Born 1961 in St.Gallen (Switzerland), Beat Weibel got his first music lessons at the age of 6 on the flute, changed with 9 to the clarinet and did his first gigs with local brassbands. Like almost every kid in the late 70ths he changed at the age of 16 to the electric guitar and joined at the very beginning the so called NEUE DEUTSCHE WELLE as a member of the legendary band DLÜ. At this time he changed the instrument again, now to the tenor saxophone. In 1981 he began studying at the then newly founded Jazzschule St.Gallen, which he successfully completed in 1987. He performed with various ensembles - Jazz-Combos, Bigbands, Salsabands, Solo - at european festivals like the World Beat Festival Berlin, Tollwood Festival Munich, Euro-Pop Freiburg im Breisgau, Open Air St.Gallen, International Jazzfestival Willisau, Jazzfestival Schaffhausen, Alpentöne Altdorf...